Sunday, September 27, 2020

Fans Are Demanding Mariah Carey Release Secret Alt-Rock Album She Made ‘Just For Laughs’ While Recording ‘Daydream’

Mariah Carey seems to never run out of surprises.

The 50-year-old singer made that clear once again when she took to Twitter on Sunday to share a passage from her upcoming autobiography, The Meaning of Mariah Carey, about how she used to record alt-rock songs as a way to blow off steam while recording her 1995 album Daydream.

Wrote Carey, “Fun fact: I did an alternative album while I was making Daydream,” she wrote in the caption. “Just for laughs, but it got me through some dark days.”

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She also included a brief snippet of one of these never-before-released songs, a ragged light-grunge number that represents a major departure from the perfectly polished pop of Daydream.

“I’d bring my little alt-rock song to the band and hum a silly guitar riff,” she writes. “They would pick it up and we would record it immediately. It was irreverent, raw and urgent, and the band got into it.”

As Carey explained, she was “playing with the style of the breezy-grunge, punk-light white female singers who were popular at the time,” she continues. “You know the ones who seemed to be so carefree with their feelings and their image. They could be angry, angsty, and messy, with old shoes, wrinkled slips, and unruly eyebrows, while every move I made was so calculated and manicured. I wanted to break free, let loose, and express my misery — but I also wanted to laugh.”

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Confides Carey, “I totally looked forward to doing my alter-ego band sessions after Daydream each night.”

Fans quickly responded to the tweet, declaring their love of her 25-year-old alt-rock alter ego, and insisted she release the secret album she recorded.


The Meaning of Mariah Carey will be released on Tuesday, Sept. 29.

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Mariah Carey At 50: The Life Of An Icon

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