Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Coronation Street spoilers: All secrets still set to explode before, during, or after the 60th anniversary week

Coronation Street - Ray Crosby, Geoff Metcalfe, 60th anniversary logo, Adam Barlow and Carla Connor
(Pictures: ITV)

Secrets are key in a soap. Starting a secret, be it a good or a bad one always creates drama amongst characters, and in terms of the current life changing events being kept schtum in Coronation Street, the reveal of them have the potential to bring huge consequences for so many people.

This year aside from the usual Weatherfield action, residents have found themselves caught up in plenty of events required to be kept under wraps from other people at risk of it either destroying those keeping the secret, or people around them.

With the 60th anniversary just weeks away, there is still so many secrets floating around the cobbles, all with the possibility of being exposed during that dramatic anniversary week.

We’re taking a look at the residents currently keeping things hush-hush, to try and work out when they’ll be exposed…

Adam and Carla

Let’s start with the most recent event – Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson) and Carla Connor’s (Alison King) secret night of passion. The evening that simply started with Adam and Carla talking about their relationship problems quickly escalated into them sleeping together after Adam was a little too honest about how he felt about Carla and her relationship with Peter (Chris Gascoyne) – who’s Adam’s uncle in case you’ve forgotten…

We already know the 60th anniversary will see two people keep a secret that’ll threaten to destroy them and the others around them, and now we know this is involving Adam and Carla, it begs the question of what will happen during the anniversary week involving them? With Peter struggling with his alcoholism and clearly not letting go of the fact that Carla slept with someone at the hotel, will his drinking cloud his judgement and he ends up accusing someone in Weatherfield of sleeping with Carla? Will it be Adam? Or someone else?

Carla and Adam in Coronation Street
Carla and Adam in Coronation Street (Picture: ITV)

The inevitable reveal of their night together will destroy Adam, the Barlows and Carla, but what about Sarah (Tina O’Brien)? It was clear in a recent episode she’s still very much in love with Adam, but when she discovers what Carla and Adam have been up to, will this turn her towards Gary Windass (Mikey North) again?

Rick’s body

Speaking of Gary…the builder/loan shark/furniture shop owner is currently a little quiet on our screens, and when we do see him, he’s busy being awkward around Sarah or working for Ray (Mark Frost). But aside from all of this, Gary still has one big problem…Rick’s (Greg Wood) body! Rick’s body is still lying in the middle of the woods and after a dodgy moment involving Brian (Peter Gunn), Bernie (Jane Hazlegrove), and some roman coins and Ray’s old watch, Gary’s still managed to keep Rick’s body along with the classified information that he killed him buried.

Sarah currently knows Gary killed Rick, so if she does find herself back with Gary again after Adam and Carla’s night together is exposed, it could put Gary in the perfect firing line to have his murderous crime exposed too. Or perhaps Gary is the first one to discover Adam and Carla’s night away leading Adam to threaten him into keeping silent in return for Adam not telling the police Gary murdered Rick? Look at how dark things got for Billy Mayhew (Daniel Brocklebank) after Adam learnt he was responsible for his mother’s death – we may be seeing the darker side to the solicitor again soon if his enemy discovers his secret…

Gary’s crimes

Of course, aside from killing Rick, Gary is also responsible for the factory roof collapse and death of Rana Habeeb and so far no-one has batted an eyelid at him being responsible for it.

Gary Windass Coronation Street
Gary Windass in Coronation Street (Picture: ITV)

Suffice to say marrying Maria (Samia Longchambon) has allowed Gary to hide his crimes even more, but with it being likely he’ll be involved quite a lot in the anniversary week due to him working for Ray, perhaps this will alter things and increase the chances of his dark past being exposed?

With Gary’s sister Faye (Ellie Leach) working in the bistro and having a few too many interactions with creepy Ray, we’ve already speculated that she may find herself in danger during the dramatic week next month. If Gary or Ray are the cause of Faye getting into jeopardy, this may change things for Gary, maybe even forcing him to confess to his dodgy past after someone he loves is put in danger?

Ray’s plans

We can’t talk about undisclosed information without talking about the one with the potential to cause the most life changing repercussions for everyone in the street! Ray’s plans to destroy Weatherfield to make way for his new development is taking centre stage during the anniversary week and as we reach the final few episodes ahead of the big event – will anyone figure out what he’s doing? The cracks are certainly starting to show with Craig’s (Colson Smith) suspicions growing, and we all know how much Abi (Sally Carman) hates Ray – will she be the one to figure out what he’s doing? Or will the residents be kept in the dark until the final moment?

The big question is – can anyone stop Ray? He’s hell bent on making sure his redevelopment gets underway, and we don’t think Rita (Barbara Knox) pleading for Ray to stop everything will be enough to change his mind. With Debbie (Sue Devaney) and Gary currently hiding the fact that they’re working for Ray, the reveal of what they’ve been doing will come as a shock to everyone – especially Debbie’s brother Kevin (Michael Le Vell).

With Abi suspicious on what Debbie is really doing in Weatherfield still, it’s possible she might figure out she’s working for Ray, but is she really strong enough to stop them from destroying people’s homes? Or will Gary hide the fact that he’s working for Ray and be the one to stop him to hide his past crimes?

Geoff’s truth

Geoff Metcalfe (Ian Bartholomew) is currently living in Weatherfield fairly pleased with himself that Yasmeen (Shelley King) is in prison for trying to kill him, and that he’s kept the fact that he’s been abusing her a secret from the police. With Yasmeen’s trial also playing a big part in the anniversary week and Alya (Sair Khan), Tim (Joe Duttine), Imran (Charlie De Melo) and so many others determined to free Yasmeen, Geoff’s truth could be revealed during the all important scenes in court.

Depending on when the reality about Geoff is finally revealed, it may alter his exit too. It’s no secret Yasmeen needs the help of Elaine (Paula Wilcox) on her side but with no one knowing what her state of mind is like, they need a miracle – so perhaps the upcoming scenes where Alya grows curious about Geoff’s recent visits to Oldham will be helpful for them? They need all the clues and help they can get right now; whatever Geoff is doing in Oldham may be the key thing that helps Yasmeen in her trial.

What really happened with Elaine?

Elaine’s whereabouts has been something we’ve been desperate to know for months. Thankfully, it won’t be long till we see her again as Tim learns she’s been admitted to a psychiatric hospital – but what happened after Geoff confronted Elaine that’s made her so unwell she’s staying in a hospital? And what state is she in now when it comes to helping Yasmeen?

With so many events, real identities and crimes being kept schtum right now, these final few episodes before the anniversary week as well as the dramatic anniversary itself could well change how much longer these secrets stay secret. There’s so much more still to come, no doubt setting us up for a dramatic Christmas and 2021.

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