Saturday, September 26, 2020

London anti-lockdown protest sees 16 arrests and nine police officers injured

Anti-lockdown protest turns violent in Trafalgar Square, London, on September 26, 2020
Protesters and police were left bloodied and bruised after protests in London turned nasty (Picture: REX)

Clashes between police and coronavirus conspiracy theorists in London today left two officers in need of hospital treatment for head injuries.

Anti-lockdown demonstrators were pictured with blood streaming down their faces after violence erupted at the rally at Trafalgar Square this afternoon.

The Metropolitan Police said 16 people had been arrested and nine officers had sustained injures.

Thousands of people massed in Trafalgar Square on Saturday carrying a variety of signs, flags and placards to take part in a ‘we do not consent’ rally – with none appearing to wear face coverings or to social distance.

Members of the crowd threw bottles at police and chanted ‘pick your side’, while officers used batons against them.

Demonstrators accused the Government of ‘tyranny’ for implementing sweeping emergency measures to control the spread of the disease.

Some compared a potential Covid-19 vaccine to ‘cyanide’ and others held placards with a quote by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, who said: ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, eventually people will believe it.’

According to the Johns Hopkins University coronavirus tracker there have been nearly 32,700,000 cases and almost 1 million deaths worldwide, less than a year since the disease started spreading.

A woman falls as police move in to disperse protesters in Trafalgar Square in London on September 26, 2020, at a 'We Do Not Consent!' mass rally against vaccination and government restrictions designed to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus, including the wearing of masks and taking tests for the virus.
A woman falls as police move in to disperse protesters (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
A injured man arrested by police during the demonstration. Police and demonstrators clash at the ?We Do Not Consent? protests against Lockdown, Social Distancing, Track and Trace & wearing of face masks at Trafalgar Square.
Protesters accused the Government of ‘tyranny’ over emergency measures to stop the spread of the virus (Picture: SOPA)
Police hitting protesters with batons during the demonstration. Police and demonstrators clash at the ?We Do Not Consent? protests against Lockdown, Social Distancing, Track and Trace & wearing of face masks at Trafalgar Square.
Police used batons against protesters while demonstrators pelted bottles at them (Picture: SOPA)
A protester holds up an anti-Bill Gates placard in Trafalgar Square in London on September 26, 2020, at a 'We Do Not Consent!' mass rally against vaccination and government restrictions designed to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus, including the wearing of masks and taking tests for the virus.
A demonstrator holds up an anti-Bill Gates placard after the billionaire’s foundation donated millions towards developing a vaccine (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
Anti-lockdown protest in Trafalgar Square is shut down by police after crowds ignored social distancing rules. Thousands gathered for 'Unite for Freedom' COVID conspiracy theorist demonstration believing the pandemic is a hoax and demand no further lockdowns, no social distancing, no masks, no track and trace, no health passports, no mandatory vaccinations and no 'new normal'.
Demonstrators were pictured with blood streaming down their faces (Picture: Alamy Live News)

One woman was pictured holding a sign saying ‘a hug a day keeps the Covid away’ while another suggested the UK is about to be hit by a second wave because it ‘fits the political agenda’.

Officers were seen searching a man and confiscating a makeshift riot shield he was carrying.

At least three protesters had to be treated by medical staff at the protest, which moved from Trafalgar Square to Hyde Park.

Arrests were for a variety of offences including breaching Coronavirus regulations, assaulting a police officer, public order offences and violent disorder.

Speakers at today’s rally included conspiracy theorist David Icke, who addressed the crowd while protesters chanted ‘freedom’.

Piers Corbyn, the brother of former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, at a 'We Do Not Consent' rally at Trafalgar Square in London, organised by Stop New Normal, to protest against coronavirus restrictions.
Piers Corbyn, brother of former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, speaks to protesters (Picture: PA)
Police officer arguing with a protester during the demonstration. Police and demonstrators clash at the 'We Do Not Consent' protests against Lockdown, Social Distancing, Track and Trace & wearing of face masks at Trafalgar Square.
Police argue with a demonstrator at the anti-lockdown rally (Picture: SOPA)
A man with a bloodied eye during the demonstration. Police and demonstrators clash at the 'We Do Not Consent' protests against Lockdown, Social Distancing, Track and Trace & wearing of face masks at Trafalgar Square.
Demonstrators chanted ‘pick a side’ at police at Trafalgar Square (Picture: PA)
Thousands of people attend a rally at Trafalgar Square in London, Britain, 26 September 2020. Thousands of people turned out to attend the 'We Do Not Consent' rally to protest against new government Coronavirus restrictions.
Thousands attended the rally without wearing masks or socially distancing (Picture: EPA)
Police officer with out a face mask, holding a baton during the demonstration. Police and demonstrators clash at the 'We Do Not Consent' protests against Lockdown, Social Distancing, Track and Trace & wearing of face masks at Trafalgar Square.
Officers hold batons at the ready as the scene turns violent (Picture: REX)

Piers Corbyn, the 73-year-old brother of former Labour leader Jeremy, was pictured punching the air as he gave a speech to demonstrators.

Branding the protest as ‘not acceptable’, Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, stressed that large gatherings, including protests, were still banned to stop the spread of Covid-19.

He added: ‘The reckless and violent behaviour of some protestors has left hard-working police officers injured and put the safety of our city, which is at a critical moment in the fight against this virus, at risk. This is totally unacceptable.

‘We cannot let the sacrifices Londoners have made be undermined by the selfish behaviour of a small number.

‘Violence of this kind towards officers will not be tolerated and perpetrators will feel the full force of the law.’

He tweeted: ‘I urge all protestors [sic] to leave now. Large gatherings are banned for a reason – you are putting the safety of our city at risk.’

It comes after another anti-lockdown rally at Trafalgar Square last week which saw more than dozens of officers injured and 32 people arrested.

After today’s event, Met Police Commander Ade Adelekan said there ‘appeared to be no effort by organisers to engage with crowds and keep those assembling safe from transmitting the virus’.

He added: ‘This lack of action voided the risk assessment submitted by event organisers the night before.

People take part in a 'We Do Not Consent' rally at Trafalgar Square in London, organised by Stop New Normal, to protest against coronavirus restrictions. PA Photo. Picture date: Saturday September 26, 2020.
Protesters claim coronavirus is a ‘hoax’, despite nearly a million people dying worldwide (Picture: PA)
Members of StandUpX, a community of people protesting vaccination and coronavirus (Covid-19) measures, gather at Trafalgar Square during a mass rally against wearing mask, taking test and government restrictions imposed to fight the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, in London, United Kingdom on September 26, 2020.
A member of the anti-vaccination StandUpX group wears a creepy mask (Picture: Getty Images)
Police arrest a woman during the demonstration. Police and demonstrators clash at the 'We Do Not Consent' protests against Lockdown, Social Distancing, Track and Trace & wearing of face masks at Trafalgar Square.
Police arrest a woman during the demonstration (Picture: SOPA)
David Icke speakes at a Covid hoax, get up stand up protest, against vaccinations, 5G and other issues, in Trafalgar Square.
Conspiracy theorist David Icke addresses the masses (Picture: REX)

‘Therefore, today’s demonstration was no longer exempt from the Coronavirus regulations. In the interest of public safety, officers then worked quickly to disperse crowds.

‘However, I am very frustrated to see that nine officers were injured during clashes with a small minority of protesters.

‘This is especially saddening in light of the injuries sustained by officers last weekend.’

The Met said it had been engaging with organisers throughout the week to remind them of their legal obligations and explaining the events could be in breach of coronavirus regulations.

While protests are exempt from the ‘rule of six’ in England, organisers must submit a risk assessment and comply with social distancing.

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