Chantelle Atkins (Jessica Plummer) recently met a devastating end in EastEnders at the hand of her vile, abusive husband Gray (Toby Alexander-Smith) and one person left particularly devastated by the loss is Kheerat Panesar (Jaz Deol).
Kheerat has been the one person that Chantelle had trusted to divulge her plans to escape from her marriage and he is crushed with guilt that he was unable to save her. He is also determined to get justice for her, admitting that he was in love with her.
Gray is at the police station being questioned by the police. Meanwhile Karen, Mitch and the family return from Southend and soon realise something awful has happened.
Kheerat later admits to Suki (Balvinder Sopal) that he loved Chantelle and they had plans to start a new life together, he has suspicions about Gray’s involvement with Chantelle death.
EastEnders domestic violence - get support
Two thirds of women who were experiencing abuse from their partner/ex-partner in June told a Women's Aid study that their abuser had started using lockdown restrictions or the Covid-19 virus and its consequences as part of the abuse. (66.7% of those answering question - Women’s Aid Survivor Survey, June 2020).
At the height of lockdown over three quarters of women living with an abuser said they felt they could not leave or get away because of the pandemic. (78.6% of those answering question - Women’s Aid Survivor Survey, April 2020).
You can get support and information from Women's Aid by visiting the website or contacting the free instant messaging service.
You can get support and information from Refuge - which holds a comprehensive and detailed guide to seeking help on the website.
Suki doesn’t want her son any further involved in this dark situation so when Mitch Baker (Roger Griffiths) later confronts him, Kheerat is on the cusp of admitting his feelings of love for Chantelle only to be silenced by a withering look from his interfering mother.
Kheerat and Mitch meet again and Kheerat tells him that he spoke to Chantelle through lockdown, she wasn’t happy with Gray.
He theorises that Gray found out they were planning on running away and they had a row and she got fatally hurt – he asks Mitch if he thinks it’s possible and Mitch leaves angry and frustrated. Mitch later tells Karen about Kheerat’s theory, but will she believe that Gray is capable of murder?
Later, Gray himself is tackled by police who reveal that new evidence has come to light – is it finally all over for him?
And will Kheerat get justice for the woman he loved?
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