Saturday, February 1, 2020

Casualty spoilers: Cathy Shipton says goodbye to Duffy after emotional episode

Duffy panics in Casualty
Duffy thinks she’s off to work (Picture: BBC)

Wiped the tears away yet? Tonight’s episode of Casualty saw the beloved Duffy (Cathy Shipton) pass away after her body became too weak from contracting hypothermia whilst walking in the snow.

It was an emotional episode that allowed us to see what it’s like to live with dementia. When Charlie (Derek Thompson) woke up to find Duffy wasn’t beside him, the worry began as to whereabouts his wife was, and what condition she would be in. The snow had fallen, and we saw Duffy walking in an old Sister’s uniform, it later transpired that the snow had reminded Duffy of a time way back in 1989, when the huge snow storm meant Duffy walked into work, and Charlie slept in the hospital.

As Duffy’s condition deteriorated even further, Connie (Amanda Mealing) told Charlie there was nothing else that could be done, Charlie was shocked – because after Duffy served 40 years in the NHS, the NHS wasn’t there for her when she needed it.

Cathy Shipton has played Duffy for over 30 years, which means a wide range of people will be sad to say goodbye to her after tonight’s episode, and we caught up with the actor to find out how she feels to say goodbye to everyone’s favourite nurse.

‘It is emotional, but I’m glad that there’s closure with the character. There’s something really right with how her journey has progressed and how it’s been and I do think that it will have huge impact on people and touch peoples lives and hopefully help people as well. There are people going through very similar situations in their real lives – I am aware of that with this subject.’

Duffy in Casualty
The Duffy we know and love (Picture: BBC)

Cathy gave us her reaction to when she first received the script for tonight’s episode:

‘The team often go through three or four drafts before we get the final draft and everybody that was working on it was saying ‘oh my god I can’t read it again!’ I’d say ‘why? Is it that bad?’ But when I read it I sat on the sofa and I was just quiet for a bit – I was quite choked up and I just thought ‘oh my gosh’ but at the same time, I can’t deny you see, it’s exciting as well! Because it’s your job to tell that story! It’s been challenging, this whole storyline without a doubt has had it’s moments and been upsetting to immerse yourself in it but at the same time, you kind of have to be a little bit outside of it so that you can do your best work, or try to!’

It’s safe to say that this episode captures Duffy’s life as a nurse as a whole, and Cathy explained to us how important it was to her to not let Duffy slip into the shadows and get forgotten about:

‘Do you know what? Two years ago when they started talking about this storyline, my first response was ‘oh no! Is Duffy going to just fade away? And she won’t be a nurse?’ And that was in the first initial meeting about it when we were just sounding out how it could be. So when I came back I said ‘look, I’ve got some things I really want to ask. 1) Is that I want the legacy of Duffy to be really strong and that everybody remembers who she was and her sort of legacy as a nurse’, and then also I said ‘I want the character to die. So however you resolve that with this storyline’ and that’s what it feels like has happened, they’ve really honoured that and they’ve left you feeling, I don’t know, a good feeling?’

Duffy in Casualty
Duffy’s scared by the move (Picture: BBC)

An emotional scene tonight saw Duffy walk to the hospital in the snow in her Sister’s uniform, nothing appeared to phase Duffy despite the freezing conditions – she had one goal and that was to get to the hospital. We also saw Duffy think she was helping a homeless girl who had collapsed on the floor, we then discovered it was Duffy who was laying helplessly on the floor. Cathy gave us her reaction to when director Eric Styles explained this scene to her:

‘Well the director came to me and said, (I hadn’t seen the script at this point as well) there’s one point when you’re in your costume and we could put you in your tunic which means you’ve got trousers on, and then I just said to him ‘or what? A dress?’ and he went ‘yeah’ and I said ‘and bare legs?’ and he went ‘yeah’ and I just said to him ‘do that’ – the bare arms, the hair all messy because it would just be so shocking. I’ve got slippers on because we got to bare feet and I said ‘please not bare feet’ because bare feet would be a step too far because I think she’d remember to put her slippers on!’

Charlie says goodbye to not only his wife, but his friend for thirty years, so it’s no surprise that Charlie will certainly struggle to cope in the aftermath. Cathy told us an insight on what we can expect:

‘I know that they are piling it on him. Because also, you see, he’s still affected from what happened with Connie. Connie has always been Charlie’s friend but now, well, she broke his heart. She threw Duffy under the bus. I had to go down last week to do a photo-shoot and Derek said the character is really under the hammer – he’s very lonely, very dishevelled and unshaven and looking like he isn’t cared for. I don’t know where they are taking it! I said ‘don’t worry they’ll find you a love interest soon!’.

We ended the episode with Charlie and Robyn (Amanda Henderson) taking Duffy up to the organ transplant ward. It was a somewhat bittersweet ending, saying goodbye to Duffy but knowing she would be helping other people once more, even though she wouldn’t be here. What was Cathy’s thoughts about the way things ended?

‘They’ve honoured the character, and they’ve absolutely honoured the subject – which is a hard subject because it’s real. It’s not fictional, it’s not sci-fi, it’s real, and I do know that it is educating and helping people because, as I said with the tweet I got from someone about how when a spotlight is on the subject, it feels like we are being counted. It’s like you have a voice.

Also, I know there’s been some dramas lately like Elizabeth is Missing with Glenda Jackson and the drama on the BBC called Care, and even the film Still Alice – now those are one off pieces and powerful pieces without a doubt. So when you take a character like Duffy who has been part of people’s lives for a long time, and you explore this subject slowly it does have a different impact because you see the effects it has on everybody else. I’m proud of how it’s been handled in the show. It is drama and it might look like a rapid decline for Duffy and that isn’t the way for everybody. There’s therapy, there’s drug regimes, there’s all sorts of approaches to this. I do want people to remember that this is a story.’

The final scenes also saw the hospital staff say goodbye to Duffy as she made her way to the lift to go up to the transplant ward. But with such an emotional ending and episode overall, what was it like behind the scenes? Cathy gave us the inside gossip:

‘The end scene where Duffy gets wheeled up to the transplant ward and everybody was there in their scrubs – that was all the cast and crew! When we rehearsed it, as we went through, I brought my arm up and did a royal wave! They were all crying, and it was just a rehearsal for cameras! It was so silent, and everybody was crying, and I thought ‘no I’ve got to do something silly here’ – so I thought I’d do the queenly hand! The end was quite hard. Everybody was lined up in scrubs – overall it was quite hard; we nearly did a week just in Resus and it’s very tiring as well.

And then at the end of a take you just sort of have to clown around a bit just to break the tension! Fortunately, the last you see of Duffy she smiles back at Charlie. That was going to be shot first thing of the day as it requires to be pristine and smart, and then they were going to break me down and I said ‘look I don’t ask a lot but can we do it the other way round?’ so my last memory of Duffy, as Cath, is just in the uniform smiling at the department and Charlie. I’m so pleased that that was my last scene – turning and smiling in that uniform.’

Catch up on Duffy’s final episode of Casualty on BBC iPlayer

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