Saturday, January 25, 2020

Seth MacFarlane Donates $1 Million To Help Wildlife During Australian Bushfires

The worst of the Australian Fires seem to be behind us, but now comes the repair and regrowth.

To help with that, “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane has donated $1 million to the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital.

The Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors, which was founded by Steve and Terri Irwin in 2002, tweeted out that it will assist “with the influx of patients affected by drought and bushfire.”

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There is also a new Koala Intensive Care Ward that will be named “in recognition of Seth’s generosity.”

“Plans for the Perry MacFarlane Intensive Care Ward are well underway and we’ll soon begin construction on this crucial expansion to the hospital,” they added.

Terri also tweeted her thanks out to MacFarlane.

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She wrote, “Words cannot begin to express the heartfelt appreciation I have for @SethMacFarlane. This donation will enable us to not only treat more koalas, but to also more effectively treat koalas with burns and severe injuries. Seth’s generosity gives me hope for the future of koalas.”

Other celebrities have also donated to help battle the fires include Chris Hemsworth, Nina Dobrev and Leonardo DiCaprio.

from Mix ID 8291209

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